A Tropical Community Garden

A Tropical Community Garden

 344 Sheridan Street North Cairns is our Tropical Community Garden, we have created seven community Plots 5m x 3m...

 344 Sheridan Street North Cairns is our Tropical Community Garden, we have created seven community Plots 5m x 3m.

The outdoor environment in our region is one of the best in the world at explaining the nature of abundance, and the abundance of nature. When immersed in it there are plenty of benefits - new skills, fresh air and the sense of fulfilment that only tending to one's garden can bring, so to say. While metaphorically speaking we all have our own garden (art, study, family etc.), YOU! can now have your own patch within the community garden.

These plots are lush and ready for vegetation, as anyone who knows Cairns at this time of year can attest to. The soil is of a high quality, as the area was historically entrenched in a funky mangrove mix, and you can rest assured it will be easy to set up flowering or fruiting tropical plants of your choice. There is compost to complement the high quality soil, and there are tools at hand to help you in the implementation of your luscious garden area.There are seven plots currently available, each at 5m x 3m. Enquire now, to find out how to take advantage of this exciting opportunity in your second backyard, and become part of the organic culture.